Positive Housing & Safe Environments
The Aim of PHaSE is to provide 20 properties across the county. These properties are to be used for this project only and will provide accommodation for people in recovery from substance misuse.
These properties are spread across communities, some are individual houses, and others are in blocks of general needs flats. There is nothing to indicate that these properties are any different from other properties.
PHaSE is not a forever home. Tenants are given an Assured Shorthold Tenancy valid for two years, with the aim that the people housed through the project are able to move into their own independent accommodation at some point within this period. This will be on a case by case basis, depending on the individuals journey.
Once someone has moved in we will tailor any support that they may need. For all new tenants we will help them to settle in, then work with them to ensure they get the individual support they need.
Bridge provides regular support to the tenants, through PHaSE staff, Recovery Workers and Mentors.

PHaSE Referral Criteria
The revised PHASE scheme will provide single one bedroom properties. However there may be options available to support a parent with a child under 18 years old in a two bedroom property. Accommodation is available to adults:
- Age 18+
- PHASE residence will be for a maximum period of 2 years. There is an expectation to move into independent accommodation following this period.
- Northamptonshire residents or have a local connection – ideally within the same district/borough. However it may be accepted that a person may choose to move between locations to make a ‘new start’.
- In need of housing due to ‘homelessness’, including – currently living in a hostel, returning from residential rehabilitation, recently released from prison, in temporary/insecure housing, in a poor quality privately rented property, ‘sofa surfing’ or indeed reliant upon friends and family for shelter.
- Recovering from substance misuse – drugs or alcohol, showing motivation and evidenced commitment to maintaining/reaching a substance-free lifestyle
- Currently in receipt of, or following successful intervention from a treatment service.
- Currently engaged with the Bridge Substance Misuse Programme recovery service, or willing to meaningfully engage with the service.
- Committed to receiving support from the Bridge Substance Misuse programme to manage independent living.
- Able to manage alcohol consumption effectively
- Committed to or taking part in education, volunteering or training towards employment, or indeed gaining employment.
- Who are agreeable to the terms and conditions of the tenancy as defined by Orbit Independent Living/Orbit Housing.
Current Available Properties
We currently have no available properties.