Bridge has formed relationships with many other local projects and organisations that have similar interests and aims. It is difficult for any one organisation to meet the all the demands of the local client group. By working closely with other agencies it is hoped that service provision can be improved.
Referrals between partners can only serve to increase the facilities available and provide a more comprehensive service, that will meet the needs of the local community.
Our partners are listed below:
You can also select their logos to access their websites.
The Northamptonshire Adult learning service provides learning opportunities for adults aged 19+, across both North and West Northamptonshire offering courses that support people to gain skills so that they can progress in the world of work, and that support the independence and wellbeing of families and communities.
The Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) programme is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and is managed by the Adult Learning Service.
This programme supports local voluntary and other third-sector organisations to develop their capacity to deliver learning opportunities for the residents of disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
Neighbourhood Learning courses aim to:
- deliver a programme of community learning activities which enable adults to move towards employment or further learning
- provide opportunities for learners to become involved in the local community
- have a positive effect on learners’ health and wellbeing
- encourage residents not employed and have low skills to engage in learning and progress to further training opportunities
- target those who mainstream provision struggles to engage
- provide information, advice and guidance about further learning, volunteering and / or getting work
The aim of Clero is to develop a Recovery Strategy that is signed up to by key leadership figures and organisations from the (addiction) recovery sector in the UK. The focus will be on Lived Experience Recovery Organisations (LEROs),and has the idea of active citizenship at its core. They want to build coherence, trust, credibility and consensus for recovery groups and communities based on a model that promotes an evidence-based approach predicated on Lived Experience. Their model will have at its heart:
- A Human Rights framework
- Core values and principles based on Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC)
CGL (S2S) Northamptonshire always aim to work as closely as possible with our colleagues at the Bridge to ensure the best possible outcomes for our service users. As the treatment and recovery service for the county S2S and Bridge work together to provide as much support for service users as we can to assist them in their recovery journey. By offering different elements to support recovery we believe we need to work side by side to allow service users to access what they need at any time in their journey.
Are you living in Northamptonshire? Need support or advice around alcohol or drug use, or domestic abuse – either for yourself or someone you care about?
Free, confidential support is available through STAR. Open to adults, children and young people – they will put you in touch with the right local service.
Northampton Town F.C. Community have been working in partnership with The Bridge for several years, providing football opportunities in the playing and coaching roles. They also help to organise football festivals for the players at local venues and the annual “Heads Up Football Festival” which is now a regular event on the Sixfields Calendar with teams entering from all over the Country as well as local hospitals.
The Round by Round Programme provides opportunities for adults and children to participate in a wellbeing and non-contact fitness course, designed to help participants achieve positive changes and long-lasting outcomes to their lives, not just short-term symptom relief. We work closely with the staff and volunteers at Bridge to give the people accessing our services the best possible support and work with them to achieve specific aims and realistic goals that will sustain their long-term recovery.
Northampton Partnership Homes is an arms-length management organisation (ALMO) that manages West Northamptonshire Council’s housing services.
Bridge’s staff and volunteers are really valuable to our residents. They work in partnership with our Housing Officers in the community providing a practical support service for people who are recovering from substance misuse. Each time we refer a person for support to them we know that their staff and volunteers will take the time to really get to know the person, share their experiences with them and help them overcome their dependencies in a supportive environment.
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service (NDAS) have been supporting families affected by domestic abuse within Northants for over 40 years. NDAS provide refuge for men as well as women and specialist provisions for women from diverse backgrounds and women with drunk and/or alcohol addictions. They also provide outreach support, group work, children’s work, weekly one-off support sessions and resettlement programmes.
Aquarius specialise in training other professionals in the harms and dangers of substance misuse
NGAGE Support young people affected by alcohol and drugs.
Northants Litter Wombles – Is a group of ordinary people doing the extraordinary everyday who say “enough is enough” and take action to clean up our towns and countryside for the benefit of all.
Fareshare Is a charity network whose aim is to save good food from going to waste, to reduce poverty and hunger.
Voiceability Provide advocacy and involvement services. so that people are heardin decisions about their health, care and well being.
Gamcare – offers support for people with gambling addictions including helpful ways to stop and information around access to Gambling blocking software
Hope Centre Helps people experiencing problems of hardship, homelessness, addiction and mental health.
Goodwill Solutions Provides access to training,volunteering and employment for those with significant challenges.
Armed Forces Covenant Community Hub – Is a one stop shop created to provide advice and support for the Armed Forces Community and their families, in several areas, such as, Employability, Housing,Welfare, Financial Advice and Social Isolation.