NORTHAMPTON 01604 621259 | CORBY 01536 268133 | WELLINGBOROUGH 01933 228453


Please select the Timetable that you would like to view.

Northampton Activities Timetable

  Northampton             Gym             Timetable

Wellingborough Activities Timetable

Corby  Activities Timetable

Bridge Online Groups Timetable

(The Bridge Programme provides Positive Activities. We aim to build on the intensive programmes of supervision and treatment which are currently in place in the county, by providing activities, groups, advice and training for members, in order to:

  • Help them constructively fill their time and develop or maintain a sense of purpose.
  • Improve their health and wellbeing.
  • Address their problems.
  • Increase their employability.

In light of the above, we have developed, and constantly review, a programme of physical and other activities that are available to members.

Because of the constant revision of activities, our activities timetable is dynamic.  However, we try to maintain a programme of core activities (where restrictions allow).  These are:

Complementary therapies. E.g.:

  • Acupuncture
  • Meditation

Gym sessions/Other physical activities. E.g.:

  • Football
  • Cycling
  • Walking
  • Table Tennis

Recovery groups:

  • Women’s group
  • Men’s group
  • Relapse prevention group


Education/Training/Employment sessions (ETE)

Training Events

Hobbies and interests groups. E.g.:

  • Creative writing
  • Photography
  • Music
  • Arts & Crafts

If you have any ideas about other activities, then please let us know and we will do our best to implement them.

Please refer to our current timetables from the options above to see which activities are currently running where and how to access them.