NORTHAMPTON 01604 621259 | CORBY 01536 268133 | WELLINGBOROUGH 01933 228453

“The help I have received from Bridge has made me want to help others”


Bridge is a substance misuse programme based in Northampton but working throughout the county.

Primarily, Bridge is a mentoring programme that offers physical and other activities to its members either alongside or independent of a mentoring relationship.

About us

Our aim is to help Bridge members deal with their substance misuse by providing practical support in relation to social aspects which impact negatively on their lives.

We believe that people who have experienced substance misuse problems have a role to play in helping others.

How we help


For our mentoring programme, we recruit, train and supervise volunteers who have had drug or alcohol problems themselves, or close contact with people who have.

They act as mentors or support workers to clients with drug or alcohol problems.


As well as offering members the opportunity to engage with a mentor, we have developed, and constantly review, a programme of physical and other activities that are available to members.

We believe that physical and other activities can be a useful aid to recovery.


February News

Corby - Sexual Health Drop in In Corby we had a visit from Lisa from sexual health. Lisa tested members for HIV, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Did you know around 70-80% of woman and 50% of males do not have any symptoms of chlamydia? As many STD's can go unnoticed,...

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January News

Police Drop in - Wellingborough   Wellingborough had some special visitors for the Zoom Quiz on 10th Jan Our local police have been joining us once a month for a quiz and catch up with our members. (We even added a bonus question in the quiz for them) If you need...

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December News 2024

Christmas Events in NorthamptonOver 80 members, volunteers and staff packed into Northampton on 12th December for our Christmas dinner. Members from around the county, from all 3 sites, came together to enjoy a dinner and some great company. Lots of full bellies by...

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Bridge is a member of Clero, which is the College of Lived Experience Recovery Organisations.