November 2024
New groups in Wellingborough
This Month saw 2 new groups start up at Wellingborough Bridge. Both were suggested by members and have started off really well. Darts,Bat & Chat now on Wednesdays at 12:15pm, and Knit and natter on Fridays at 11:15am.
What a fantastic start to Knit & Knatter we had, it was wonderful to see everyone getting involved and learning new skills. We can’t wait to see your new creations! A huge thank you to Button Boutique for their generous donation of wool- we are very grateful!
Adult Learning sessions
We had another busy month of Adult learning sessions across all of our sites in November.
We had World Food cookery, Journaling, assertiveness amongst others.
These sessions are always well received, and they are always looking for ideas of other sessions that would be beneficial to members, so if you have any ideas feel free to get in touch.
The Cube Cookery sessions
The Cube have expertise with cooking and working with people with mental health issues.
Our members got the opportunity to attend a tasters session, in the morning or afternoon. They were provided with all the ingredients and equipment needed, and given guidance on how to make the specified recipes. Members made chicken stir fry in the morning and “Millies” style cookies in the afternoon. Members were given information on the cost of each recipe, they learnt about how different vegetables take different times to cook and how to cook them in order of longest time to cook first. They also learnt different ways of cutting vegetables and how to adapt the dish using individual creative skills and to each person’s individual taste, they also got the opportunity to use measuring scales and learn the creaming technique to blend ingredients for the cookies.