NORTHAMPTON 01604 621259 | CORBY 01536 268133 | WELLINGBOROUGH 01933 228453

January updates 2025

Police Drop in – Wellingborough


Wellingborough had some special visitors for the Zoom Quiz on 10th Jan

Our local police have been joining us once a month for a quiz and catch up with our members. (We even added a bonus question in the quiz for them)

If you need some advice, help, or wish to speak to the officers in private, you can do so at Bridge! Let staff know if you would like some support.

Corby – Sexual Health Drop in

On 14/01/25 in Corby, we had a visit from Lisa from sexual health. Members received information around safe sex and were tested for HIV.

Wellingborough – Allotment

Our awesome Allotment Team went for a trip to the Garden Centre on 15th Jan.
They applied for the Peer Led Fund last year with a clear view to improve and keep up with the Allotment! They have certainly done that and on their trip they purchased a new Raspberry Bush and Bamboo Canes!

Adult Learning

Our sewing course has taken off to a great start in Wellingborough!
Members have begun their creations and have learnt some very valuable skills. We look forward to seeing the final products!

In Northampton we have started our upcycle, recycle and repair Dressmaking sessions.

Wellingborough – Knit & Natter

In Wellingborough our Knit&Knatter group have been using their skills for incredible creations! They have been working on a blanket together, which they will be gifting to someone in need, as an act of kindness.
What a wonderful gesture. We are always humbled by the generosity of our members.

Northampton – Legs, Bums and Tums

Join us at 10:15am on Tuesdays for our new Volunteer led Legs, Bums & Tums class in the gym (Northampton)!
Did you know that physical exercise releases endorphins that make you feel happier?
Come and find out for yourself and support our new volunteer led class.

Eat Well, Feel Well

In January we launched a new group from Northampton.
The Eat Well Feel Well group is a 6 week programme to help you eat better foods to help improve physical and mental health.
Join us either in person in Northampton or online.
Online Link is available on the online timetable.