NORTHAMPTON 01604 621259 | CORBY 01536 268133 | WELLINGBOROUGH 01933 228453

Volunteer Policies

Policies and procedures are an essential part of any organisation. Together, policies and procedures provide a set of guidelines that enable employees and volunteers make day to day decisions that are consistent with the aims and objectives of the organisation. They also ensure compliance with laws and regulations and streamline internal processes.

Consistency in practice helps you understand what you are responsible for, what is expected of you, and what you can expect from your supervisors and co-workers. This frees them up to do their jobs with confidence.

Please make sure that you have read and understood  the policies (listed on the right).  If you require further clarity then please contact your volunteer coordinator.

Once you have read and understood please Click here to complete a confirmation for the policies you have read.

Click here to return to the Volunteer Landing Page.


BP 001 Confidentiality & Data Protection Policy (v006)
BP 002 Equality & Diversity Policy (v006)
BP 003 Complaints Policy (v006)
BP 004 Safeguarding Policy (v005)
BP 005 Training & Supervision Policy (v006)
BP 006 Health & Safety Policy (v005)
BP 007 Whistleblowing (v005)
BP 008 Lone Working (vers 006)
BP 009 Dealing with violence at work policy and procedure (vers 004)
BP 012 I.T. Acceptable Usage Policy (v004)
BP 014 Smoking Policy (v003)
BP 017 Infection Prevention and Control Policy (v002)

BP 021 Grievance Policy (v003)
BP 025 Acupuncture Guidelines

BP 029 Bullying & Harrassment (conduct)


BD 003 Fire Safety (v005)
BD 002 Fire Evacuation (This document should be displayed prominently at each Bridge site. )
BD 004 CarePath Recording (v001)
BD 009 Referral to Induction
BD 010 Food Safety Guide (V002)

BD 013 Wombles Risk Assessment